Too much screen time affects children's brains, research shows


 Too much screen time affects children's brains, research shows


Too much screen time affects children's brains, research shows
new  research

Do your children spend too much time each day in front of a smartphone, tablet or television (TV) screen 

So this habit can affect the brain development of children.

This is a new research came forward,

The study, published in the journal Early Education and Development, analyzed 33 research reports spanning 23 years.

These research reports looked at the effects of watching TV or playing computer games on the brain function of children under the age of 12.

Research has found that there are some benefits to this habit, but the harm is greater.

According to research, spending too much time in front of a screen causes changes in the part of the brain that is important for planning, situational flexibility and memory.

The research also discovered that screen time also affects the part of the brain that helps us feel touch, pressure, heat, cold and pain. 

According to the researchers, this habit also affects the parts of the brain that help in memory, listening, speaking and understanding visual details.

He said that we do not say that children should be completely removed from devices, but moderation is important in everything.

He added that we advise parents to decide on limiting screen time based on the needs of each child and ensure that devices do not interfere with children's physical and social activities, including sleep.


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