Worried about dry hair? So know the best tips to remove it

Worried about dry hair? So know the best tips to remove it

Worried about dry hair? So know the best tips to    remove it
This video often happens to people in cold weather 

Dry hair is a problem that most people face during the cold season

Dry hair can have many causes like some kind of allergic reaction, age, weather, stress, certain diseases and others

Improper hair cleaning is not a factor that increases dryness, but not washing hair often can make the dryness more noticeable

By the way, the use of shampoo is common to solve this problem, but it can be controlled with a few common things in the house

Some of these home remedies can be helpful for you

Coconut oil

Massage 3 to 5 teaspoons of coconut oil on your scalp and then wash your hair with shampoo after waiting for an hour

Aloe vera

After applying a small amount of aloe vera gel on the scalp, wash the hair with shampoo

Apple cider vinegar

Mix a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with the same amount of water

Pour this mixture on the head and then wait for at least 15 minutes and then wash the hair thoroughly


Grind 2 tablets of aspirin and mix in shampoo and apply shampoo on hair, wait for 2 minutes and then wash

Baking Soda

Wet the hair and then after applying some amount of baking soda on the head, wait for few minutes and then wash the head

Lemon extract

Massage the scalp with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and then wash off after waiting for a few minutes

After washing your head, mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of water and apply it on your head

Olive Oil

Before going to bed at night, massage your scalp with a few drops of olive oil and then sleep with a cap on your head, wake up in the morning and wash your hair with shampoo

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