Breakfast and dinner times are important to prevent heart disease.

    Breakfast And Dinner Times Are Important To Prevent Heart Disease.

eating only breakfast and dinner.


Coronary sickness is the fundamental wellspring of death all over the planet.

Cardiovascular sickness is the term used to depict issues connected with the wellbeing of the heart, including coronary episodes, sporadic pulses or any sort of harm to the different parts of the organ It has now been revealed that breakfast and dinner times play an important role in heart disease journal Nature Communications reported that eating late 

A study published in the journal Nature Communications reported that eating late at night or skipping breakfast increases the risk of heart disease

eating only breakfast and dinner.

Research has shown that meal times affect body clock functions, altering cardiometabolic functions such as blood pressure regulation

In this study, the data of more than 100,000 people were examined

The researchers looked at various factors such as age, gender, family history, sleep duration and dietary habits

The results showed that skipping breakfast increases the risk of heart disease by 6%

In fact, according to research, if a person eats a late breakfast, such as at 9 am instead of 8 am, the risk of developing heart disease increases by 6 percent

Likewise, if dinner is eaten after 9 p.m., it increases the risk of heart diseases such as stroke by 28 percent

Research has shown that the longer the duration of an empty stomach between night and morning, or the longer the interval between dinner and breakfast, the lower the risk of heart disease

The researchers are now planning to conduct further research to confirm the findings

He said that the sooner breakfast and dinner are eaten, the better for heart health

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